Wednesday, 19 September 2012

"To Walk Further, Carry Less"

We're sitting in a cafe in Almaden as I write. Stacy and I have been advised that the third day is the toughest so we decided to take it easy today, with cafe con leche, tostada and Spanish news; a slower day, and time for the blisters on my feet to heal.

I read a book titled 'To Walk Far, Carry Less' (Jean-Christie Ashmore) before I left for the camino. I read but I didn't listen. Despite tossing out half the contents of my backpack it is still too heavy. Today before I resume walking, I need to purge more.

Gone already is the $200 water purifier, left at the albergue in Guillena, a gift for whoever wants to carry it, and in Castiblanco I have left sandals. Sorting through my deluxe medical kit I've removed all but items for my feet. Make-up, skin cream (except sun screen) all tossed in the garbage.

My feet show that my load has been too heavy. Blisters cover my toes, and had to be lanced so the skin can heal.

I've learned an important lesson. To walk further you really must carry less. And don't forget to check your pockets (and soul) for garbage. The lighter your load, the further you go.

(Full disclosure: our slower day in Almaden came about as a result of a vote. Blisters were given 2 votes and Stacy and I each had 1 vote. It was 4-to-1 in favor of a taxi to Almaden. Our taxi driver was the dissenting vote. He had another fare to Sevilla and was going to be late if he took us all the way to Almaden. Stacy smiled at him and we won. We did however endure the fastest taxi ride I've ever had, our bottoms lifting from the seat as we sped over hills. (Descriptions of the 30km trek from other pilgrims confirmed we chose wisely).

1 comment:

  1. I hope those blisters heal fast.
    Love the updates.
